UFC Head Dana White To Rally For Donald Trump

The UFC President will deliver his speech on Thursday night.

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Dana White has stood by Donald Trump for numerous years, actively supporting the then Presidential Contender throughout the 2016 election campaign. Recently, the Trump campaign unveiled that White will assume a similar position at the forthcoming Republican national convention.

Scheduled to give his address on the closing day of the convention, Thursday, White will share the stage with an array of non-political figures. This lineup will feature Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis duo who brandished firearms at Black Lives Matter demonstrators, as well as Nick Sandmann, the Kentucky student who won legal battles against the Washington Post and CNN for defamation following a 2019 incident involving a Native American elder.

Over the past nine months, the UFC Chief has made various financial contributions to the US President. White generously donated $1 million to America First Action in November of the previous year, and even invited Trump as a distinguished guest to the Madison Gardens UFC event two weeks earlier.

The bond between UFC and Trump traces back to the early 2000s, when the organization faced criticism primarily from political figures like John McCain, who condemned it as “human cock-fighting.”

Trump graciously hosted several initial UFC events at his Taj Mahal resort in Atlantic City, significantly enhancing the group’s reputation and helping it thrive as a business. Nearly two decades later, the dividends of his support are evident.

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