Ridiculous Threat Issued to LeBron James by Dillon Brooks

Dillon Brooks seems to have not yet grasped the consequences of his actions after being overshadowed by LeBron James in the previous playoffs.

Now with the Houston Rockets, Brooks initiated a feud with LBJ during the last season’s playoff series between the Memphis Grizzlies and Los Angeles Lakers, taunting the four-time NBA champion as “aged” and proudly declaring his provocation of adversaries.

The Grizzlies were ultimately eliminated from the playoffs as LeBron outperformed Brooks, leading to the latter being released from the team thereafter.

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The upcoming game between the Lakers and the Rockets will mark the initial clash between the two forwards this season. Brooks has made a threat which many may perceive as absurd considering what transpired for him the last time.

Brooks informed reporters of his intention to tightly defend James and exhaust him early in the game, while also acknowledging the veteran’s outstanding performance this season.

“Prepared to restrain him. He’s been excelling in shooting and overall performance, so I aim to induce fatigue in him and influence the fourth quarter early,” Brooks stated.

Brooks would do well to remember that his relocation to a new team likely stemmed from his provocation of LeBron a few months ago. Nevertheless, his consistency is admirable.

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