Former NBA Point Guard Rajon Rondo Arrested On Several Charges

Over the weekend, former NBA point guard Rajon Rondo was taken into custody.

He was apprehended on Sunday for alleged unauthorized possession of a firearm, alongside possession of drug paraphernalia and cannabis, all of which are misdemeanors.

Rondo was stopped for a traffic violation in Jackson County, Ind. Subsequently, following the discovery of marijuana by an officer of the Indiana State Police, a search of his vehicle was conducted, unearthing marijuana and a gun.

As per the report, Rondo was prohibited from having the firearm owing to protective orders issued against him after an incident in 2022 where he purportedly menaced a woman with a gun at her Kentucky residence. The order was later revoked following an undisclosed resolution.

Rondo promptly posted bail subsequent to his arrest. The exact date of his next court appearance is presently unknown.

Rondo enjoyed a 16-season tenure in the NBA, most recently appearing in 21 games with the Cleveland Cavaliers during the 2021-22 season. He is primarily recognized for his stint with the Boston Celtics, where he clinched a championship in his second year. Rondo also competed for eight other teams and secured his second title with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020.

Throughout his career, he averaged 9.8 points and 7.9 assists per game.

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