This Week’s College Football Playoff Rankings: Michigan Enters Top Four

Michigan Wolverines have broken into the top four after a stunning victory at the Big House last weekend, replacing the Ohio State Buckeyes at the second spot. The latest College Football Playoff rankings, unveiled on Tuesday, maintained Georgia, Alabama, and Cincinnati in their previous positions without any surprises.

Some suggested that Cincinnati should have climbed the rankings following their win and Alabama’s victory over Auburn in overtime. However, these rankings did not align with those expectations. As the teams prepare for the upcoming conference championship games this weekend, much is at stake. If the top four teams secure wins, it’s likely they will retain their positions. In case of losses, except for Georgia, they may be replaced. Oklahoma State and Notre Dame sit at #5 and #6, respectively, with records of 11-1, ready to move up if any of the top teams slip. Ohio State, Ole Miss, Baylor, and Oregon complete the top ten, although their chances in the final top-four selection process appear minimal.


Featured Image by Jean-Daniel Francoeur via Pexels

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