Nikki, Erik Spoelstra’s Former Spouse, Responds To Critics After Miami Heat Coach’s Record-Setting Agreement

Nikki, the former spouse of Erik Spoelstra, has chosen to use the internet to confront disparagement from online detractors following her ex-husband’s lucrative pact with the Miami Heat.

The head coach of the Heat recently sealed an eight-year, $120 million deal with the NBA team. Since their separation a few months ago, Nikki has been subjected to mockery from fans on social media, with many commenting “way to fumble the bag” on her previous Instagram posts.

On Wednesday, she took to the platform to address the comments.

“Lol. I’m going to speak about this comment NOT in relation to my personal life decisions but as it pertains to a general mindset that I think a lot of people have, and that a lot of people have harassed me with over the years,” she wrote.

“As per the crude, ignorant, uninformed society at large, women can’t ‘succeed.’ A woman can’t be genuinely in love with someone successful. No, they’re pretending and they’re in it for the money. And if a woman chooses to not be with a successful partner, apparently she’s an idiot.”

Erik and Nikki made the decision to go their separate ways in 2023 after seven years of marriage. They confirmed their divorce in November.

“We are both thankful for our relationship and remain fully committed to co-parenting our children and continuing to make them our shared priority,” they said.

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