Matt Carpenter’s secret salsa recipe comes to St. Louis-area Schnucks stores

According to Schnucks’ announcement on Monday, the Bueno Mojo Salsa, inspired by Matt Carpenter’s homemade salsa version, was available in St. Louis-area Schnucks stores starting Thursday, September 13.

The grocery store chain had earlier posted a video to tease their new product, which was later retweeted by Carpenter as well as the Cardinals. “Hey, @MattCarp13! We get it! Bueno Mojo Salsa available 9/13 at our St. Louis stores. #ItsGottaBeTheSalsa #SchnucksMojo #Schnucks @Cardinals,” read the caption below the video.

The St Louis Cardinals continue to be on a hot streak during the end of the season. Some people say that Carpenter’s salsa recipe might be the secret to the team’s success. And now, you can try out the Bueno Mojo Salsa at some of the St. Louis area stores and see it for yourself.

It was Adam Wainwright who planted a garden this summer in his beautiful yard. Carpenter then combined a few of Waino’s veggies and made a secret salsa recipe to bring along to a July series against the Chicago Cubs.

As per Schnucks, Carpenter’s secret salsa will be priced for a sum of $6.99 in the deli section of any of the St. Louis-area store. The store chain says that Carpenter has personally worked with one of their top chefs to pack his secret salsa and share it with the people. Schnucks will be donating a portion of the earning proceeds to the foundation ‘Cardinals Care.’

Notably, in conjunction with the salsa launch on Thursday, it was also the ‘Salsa Day’ celebration at Busch Stadium – the game’s free giveaway this year was a Carpenter salsa-inspired T-shirt. As a part of the giveaway, the first 20,000 fans, 16 years or above, that pass through the gates for the scheduled 6:15 game against the Los Angeles Dodgers will be receiving a T-shirt.

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