
Logan Paul’s Video of Head Injury Spreads Across the Internet

The enduring personal conflict between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul is set to climax soon.

This weekend, the two pugilists will finally face off in a six-round match, and tensions between them have escalated. Trouble seems to follow them wherever they go. On Thursday, during their confrontation, Paul was struck in the face by a hurled mic from Danis, resulting in a facial injury.

Although Paul initiated the altercation by tossing the microphone, he failed to defend himself from Danis’ swift reprisal. A new perspective of the incident has now emerged on X, viewable below.

Danis and Paul will ultimately settle their disputes on October 14.

Despite reports of Paul sustaining an eye injury, he remains intent on proceeding with the bout.

Milton Lacroix, Paul’s trainer, voiced concerns about the eye injury impacting the highly-anticipated match. “We’re going through a tough time right now,” Lacroix stated. “He was struck in the face. His eye’s cut. So I’m really anxious, trying to locate someone.”

Despite the injury, Paul remains resolute in his determination to compete. “Dillon can’t escape me,” he posted on X, “The fight is very much happening, the stakes just got higher.”

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