Charles Barkley Unveils The Singular Aspect That Damaged His Relationship With Former Close Ally Michael Jordan (VIDEO)

Michael Jordan is known for harboring resentments, as is Charles Barkley. It appears that Charles Barkley’s enduring dispute with Michael Jordan is not likely to be resolved anytime soon.

Formerly rivals on the basketball court and intimate companions off it, their relationship took a turn after Barkley critiqued Jordan’s decisions as the proprietor of the Charlotte Bobcats (now the Hornets).

“I believe that he lacks individuals around him who will have the courage to disagree with him,” Barkley expressed on “60 Minutes” during Sunday night. “He took great offense, and from that day, we have not reconnected.”

Over a decade has passed, yet reconciliation between the two remains elusive.

“I intend to fulfill my duties,” he remarked. “For I would possess no integrity if I were to censure others in similar circumstances while neglecting to critique my dearest friend.”

Subsequently, Barkley was questioned whether he ever pondered reaching out to Jordan to address the issue.

“I too possess pride, Jon. A proficiency in a certain domain doesn’t grant one the license to behave arrogantly,” he articulated.

“Do you anticipate resolving this conflict eventually?” Wertheim inquired.

“He possesses my contact information,” Barkley noted.

Reports suggest that Jordan is on the brink of selling his majority interest in the Hornets, perhaps indicating a potential shift in their dynamic.

In contrast to Barkley, who has addressed their tumultuous bond in recent years, Jordan has not acknowledged him once. During the NBA All-Star Game in February 2022, commemorating the league’s 75th anniversary, Jordan was the final player introduced.

As he paraded through the throng of basketball legends distributing handshakes and embraces to nearly everyone, Barkley was conspicuously excluded, standing there awkwardly observing Jordan.

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