Andrew Bynum is now trying to make a comeback to the NBA

Andrew Bynum is now trying to make a comeback to the NBA

Andrew Bynum had last played a game in the NBA in the year 2014. The former Los Angeles Lakers veteran has traveled across from one team to another, starting from Philadelphia 76ers than with the Cleveland Cavaliers and lastly with the Indiana Pacers. Bynum, who will soon be turning 31-years-old, now apparently wants to get back into the NBA. This is not something that we are saying. This is what a report published by Shams Charania of The Athletic and a video put up of Bynum on social media recently says.  

“Former Lakers two-time champion and All-Star Andrew Bynum has hired representation in attempts of NBA comeback at the age of 30 and scheduling team workouts before training camps,” wrote Shams Charania on Twitter.

Bynum does not look out of shape as he used to in the past, even though he is past his prime and could have a hard time searching his way back in NBA. Keeping any of his issues aside for a moment, the skills that that brought the big man back to the table a few years ago are not that valued anymore today in the NBA.

Considering some of the work ethics as well as personality ethic concerns which plagued Bynum throughout his career, it is now hard to see where he could end up. Later again, the Lakers have reached an agreement and signed about every weird player in the league, so perhaps Bynum might search his way back to the Los Angeles.

This is the exact type of summer content which we have been waiting for. It is weird as it makes no sense and the outcome is entirely floating in the air. Well, we will have to wait and see which team makes a move and signs Bynum just before the regular season and give him a chance to make a comeback.

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